General Thesis: African Developmental discourse


A driving force in every human being is to fulfil their life purpose and dreams. The African Dream however can be in the currently reality portrayed as more of a utopia, than a goal which is achievable through cheer hard work and perseverance.

 Therefore, in this section you will find a description of a thesis regarding the developmental challenges that the African diaspora faces and the fundamentals that these challenges are built upon. After the general thesis a problem statement will be presented and further broken down in sub questions that are focused on underlying challenges. To start off with the initial point, we like to present you our assertion of the general thesis for which the business concept GAIA is formulated as a functional solution for the challenges that has been identified within the African Diaspora.

General Thesis:

The most effective way to enable a sustainable development within the African Diaspora communities is to:

  • Takeover control of the African development discourse and redefine narrative in the likeness of the values of the African Diaspora as basis of the envisioned unified civil society, and
  • Invest resources in technological innovations, entrepreneurship, leadership and representation to facilitate acceleration of the development within the African Diaspora. 

Here below you will find the problem descriptions, statement and sub questions that lay basis to our mission vision, strategies and ambitions.

Problem description:

As an indispensable provider of resources for the world economies, we have witnessed through the past hundreds of years how crucial role the African continent plays  in the world development. Looking across time and space we may also conclude, that the region has not benefited from their contribution to these developments, as it has been rendered immobile to participate equally in the world economy amongst other fields.

A consequence that stems from many historical events through which the common people have to pay the price. Within the African development discourse it has also become parent that many humanitarian aid initiatives that have been provided over the past 70 year have little to no effect to help the people escape poverty!

Similarly, we found that the African diaspora across the world have not been able to benefit from the tremendous increase in wealth, ownership regarding capital and intellectually, freedom of representation, and the sophistication of and mobility in the labour force that occurred globally through these few centuries.

The founders of GAIA have an immense desire and drive to assist in the guidance  of the development of the African Diaspora communities into a more sustainable course alongside other Emerging and developed Markets. With the ambition to find solutions to these African developmental challenges, we have arrived at the following  fundamental question and underlying sub-questions:

Problem statement:

By virtue of what method can the communities of the African diaspora be supported and guided to enable a sustainable development to which everyone in the communities can benefit from, as to establish a meaningful and forefeeling life?

Underlying questions:

  1. To which extend can the diverse group of people of African descend be adequately classified as the Africa Diaspora and what are the commonalities?
  2. In what form can this group devise a sound narrative that is based on their own heritage, norms and values to establish a common ground that enable a global ecosystem?
  • How will the African diaspora Integrate this narrative onto the global discourse to create a realm wherein their interests are represented and evocated alongside other interests in all its fairness and righteousness?
  1. How will this group make an adequate use of the opportunities that presents itself by social economical, entrepreneurial infrastructural and technological means to stimulate sustainable regional developments?
  2. How will the stakeholders create and or facilitate access to opportunities for the group to participate and benefit from the inclusive and long-term sustainable growth on the local and international level?


The concept of GAIA is setup as a blueprint to establish a company with an intent to bring these developmental, social and environmental subjects to the public discourse and create a momentum of change through community mobilisation and the cultivation of ideas into impactful actions. Hereinafter we will present you a full business plan where the concept and fundamentals to is elaborated and presented as an answer to previous questions.